Understanding the basics of REST and HTTP, almost any route control framework can easily create a REST application, I recommend you read:
I recommend that you understand the basics of HTTP as well, as this is the basics for understanding REST:
It is not possible to indicate the best framework, but for PHP as it says, almost any framework that works with routes will easily serve REST, list of frameworks and micro-frameworks:
If your current application is Laravel and you need to take advantage of existing rules or Models in your Laravel project, you can use Resource controllers , for example:
Route::resource('photos', 'PhotoController');
The PhotoController
is your class and photos
is the "prefix" of the route, which can be accessed like this:
Verbo | URI | Método | Nome da rota
GET | /photos | index | photos.index
GET | /photos/create | create | photos.create
POST | /photos | store | photos.store
GET | /photos/{photo} | show | photos.show
GET | /photos/{photo}/edit | edit | photos.edit
PUT/PATCH | /photos/{photo} | update | photos.update
DELETE | /photos/{photo} | destroy | photos.destroy