I wanted a simple scrip where it counts up to 6 using while or another replay method. and will have a list with 5 flawed and 1 died and he counts up to 6 raffling this list and when he speaks died he wanted her to look like. but in my script it continues speaking until completing 6 loops
def russa(self, message, name_sender, to=''):
list_morte = ['Morreu','falho','falho','falho','falho','falho',]
self.post(message='Vamos nós matar hehehe')
contador =0
while (contador<6):
time.sleep(3) #delay de 5 segundos
list_morte = random.choice(list_morte)
self.post('/me %s' % list_morte)
contador =contador+1
if list_morte == 'Morreu':