Do a negation in an IF coding


I have the following condition IF :


How can I check if the variables are different, ie deny this condition in the same IF

asked by anonymous 21.06.2017 / 14:28

1 answer


If the purpose is to reverse the condition, simply use the negation operator at the beginning:

if(!ClientesBDM.getNomeEmpresa().toString().equals(ClientesBD.get(1).toString())) {
  //faça algo caso sejam diferentes


However, if you need to do some action in both situations (be it true or false object equality), it is never too much to remember that you should use if...else , avoiding ifs strings with inverse conditions between each other: p>

if(ClientesBDM.getNomeEmpresa().toString().equals(ClientesBD.get(1).toString())) {
      //faça algo caso sejam iguais

} else {
  //faça algo se forem diferentes
21.06.2017 / 14:29