I'm trying to convert the bytes that are in a database into a PictureBox in C # 2012, but when it arrives on a particular line it says that the parameter is invalid, an abnormal error that never happened before , I made a Debug and the only thing I could notice is that the Funcionario.Photo parameter that brings the bytes of the database has only and the error occurs in method that converts from byte to image.
I would appreciate if the programmers of the forum could post on this error, I have given everything I have and I have obtained successes, thank you in the end.
Below I have the Methods:
1st Method: This allows you to display the data of the database in the objects of the form through the class BLL Code:
public Image ByteToImage(byte[] imageArray)
ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
return (Image)converter.ConvertFrom(imageArray);
private void mCarregarCampos()
clsFuncionarioDTO Funcionario = new clsFuncionarioDTO();
if (this.Text == "FUNCIONÁRIOS")
if (cbxCodFuncionario.Text != "")
bll.CarregarFuncionario(Funcionario, int.Parse(cbxCodFuncionario.Text));
txtFuncionario.Text = Funcionario.Funcionario;
txtEmail.Text = Funcionario.Email;
txtSkype.Text = Funcionario.Skepe;
ptbFoto.Image = null;
if (Funcionario.Foto != null && Funcionario.Foto.Length > 0)
ptbFoto.Image = ByteToImage(Funcionario.Foto)
2nd Method: which is in the BLL class that contains the SQL statement Code:
public void CarregarFuncionario(clsFuncionarioDTO Funcionario,int comboBox)
string comando = "SELECT Funcionario,Email,Skype,Foto FROM tblFuncionarios WHERE tblFuncionarios.CodFuncionario = " + comboBox + " ";
string campo = "Funcionario";
string campo1 = "Email";
string campo2 = "Skype";
string campo3 = "Foto";
SqlDataReader seleccione = mMostrarDados(comando);
while (seleccione.Read())
Funcionario.Funcionario = seleccione[campo].ToString();
Funcionario.Email = seleccione[campo1].ToString();
Funcionario.Skepe = seleccione[campo2]ToString();
if (seleccione[campo3] != System.DBNull.Value)
Funcionario.Foto = (byte[])seleccione[campo3];
3rd Method: That communicates directly with the database Code:
class clsABD
public SqlConnection conexao;
private SqlCommand comando;
private SqlCommandBuilder comandoB;
private SqlDataAdapter seleccione;
private SqlDataReader seleccione1;
private DataTable tabela;
private string caminho = String.Format("Data Source=Dario;Initial Catalog=DB_EMPRESA;Integrated Security=True");
public void LigarBD()
if (conexao != null)
conexao = new SqlConnection(caminho);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception ("Erro! Aplicação não conseguio ligar a Base de Dados!"+ex.Message);
public void DesligarBD()
conexao = new SqlConnection(caminho);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception ("Erro ao tentar desligar a Base de Dados!"+ex.Message);
public void mExecutarComandos(string comandoSQL)
comando = new SqlCommand(comandoSQL,conexao);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Erro ao executar camandoSQL!" + ex.Message);
public DataTable mCriarTabela(string comandoSQL)
tabela = new DataTable();
seleccione = new SqlDataAdapter(comandoSQL,conexao);
comandoB = new SqlCommandBuilder(seleccione);
return tabela;
public SqlDataReader mCriarTabelaLeitura(string comandoSQL)
comando = new SqlCommand(comandoSQL, conexao);
seleccione1 = comando.ExecuteReader();
return seleccione1;
This is in compliance, it loads all fields except the Picture field in the PictureBox , but at the time of execution it displays the following error:
Parameter Invalid in exactly the method that converts the byte to image.
Note: I'm programming in 3 layers