Execute a method on the ManagedBean when initializing the Page


Personal Greetings.

I would like to know if there is any formal way to execute a method on the ManagedBean when invoking / initializing a page?

I've already done this, usually putting EL directly on the page, before any other JSF element, and I feel (I suspect) that it's not the right way to do it.

Ex: Suppose there is a people registration page, and every time the page loads, I need to print some text on the server side.

What I have done is something like:

<html ...>



Thank you in advance.

asked by anonymous 12.09.2014 / 17:08

2 answers


Personal greetings.

The best solution I found (without wanting to dismiss the help already presented here) is to use the preRenderView event type for the f:event tag.

Allows method execution during the start of the presentation response phase (JSF page), that is, before the page is presented it gives the possibility of executing a task.


<html ... xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"> 
    <f:event listener="#{beanTeste.imprimirNome()}" type="preRenderView" /> 

More details:

link link

Example example:




14.09.2014 / 02:08

There is a note that exactly fits you.

Use the @PostConstruct annotation to define a method that runs so that ManagedBean is built (according to the life cycle of its Bean ), that is, when the first EL that references Bean is found.

For example:

// ou
public class MeuBean {

    public void inicializar() {
        // Sua logica de inicializacao

There is also @PreDestroy , similar to @PostConstruct is called when a Bean will be destroyed. The call varies in relation to the scope of your Bean (the call depends on the life cycle). If you use a Bean scope of View there is a bug in most implementations that do not call this method the life cycle correctly.

This question predestroy-on-viewscoped addresses this behavior.

Because your Bean is session, @PostConstruct is only called once, regardless of how many times it is accessed on your page.

We know that the application server manages the Beans lifecycle. Soon it will create and destroy your session bean. It will create at first reference to it and will destroy when the session is invalid, saving it in the session in the mean time.

I have two suggestions to solve the problem, which would be:

  • Replace the session Bean with a @ViewScoped or @RequestScoped , and "cache" the result of the processing it does or uses in the session. Using @PostConstruct to print what you need on the console. This is valid if your% session% is no longer needed after this replacement.

    Because of memory expense, it is even more advantageous than% session% to save only the result and not the entire Bean. But in terms of organization and OO, the Session Bean will do better because there will be a "context" around the data, all logic in relation to that data will be centered in one place. In case, the choice will depend a lot on how your organization is.

  • Create a Bean Bean or Bean and inject your session Bean to use it in @ViewScoped . In terms of code it would look something like this:

    public class MeuBeanDeImpressao {
        // Injeto o Bean de sessão
        // ou
        BeanTeste beanTeste;
        public void inicializa() {

    This case is only beneficial if you still need the Session Bean, but you can use a Bean of @RequestScoped or @PostConstruct on your page (having use for other things, otherwise it might generate unnecessary memory expense). @RequestScoped works best because there is no life cycle bug, it will be destroyed after use.

  • 12.09.2014 / 17:18