Calculating hours with php


How to calculate the time that the person entered and the time that the person left less the interval and display the total hours he gave?

For example if a guy made the following hours: 07:30 12:00 13:30 17:00 would have to display: 8 hours worked . It's just that I have to calculate several days in the same image and add up all the totals of hours I gave and display the result.

Columns in the bank:

id (int)
day (date) "date of time"
type (char) E (input) or S (output)
time (time) "are the schedules"
collaborator_id (int)

I have the following sql query:

$sql= mysql_query("SELECT dia, GROUP_CONCAT(hora) FROM marcacoes WHERE colaborador_id = {$colaborador_id} AND dia between  '{$periodoInicial}' and  '{$periodoFinal}' GROUP BY dia ");

The display is done through the code in php:

while($exibe = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)){                
$tabela ='<tbody>'; 
$tabela .='<tr>';
$tabela .='<td>'.date("d-m-Y", strtotime($exibe['dia'])).'</td>'; 
$tabela .='<td>'.$exibe['GROUP_CONCAT(hora)'].'</a>'.'</td>';
$tabela .='</tr>';
$tabela .='</tbody>';   
echo $tabela;           

Returns the following table:

Desired outcome:

Thank you in advance.

asked by anonymous 03.08.2016 / 15:14

2 answers


I noticed that you are using a standard one record in the table for each action. So you need GROUP CONCAT , which will return the seperated data by vírgula .

So a possible solution to calculate would be to use the MYSQL function called TIME_TO_SEC to convert this field TIME and make it a INTEGER .

SELECT dia, TIME_TO_SEC(hora) FROM marcacoes 

The result of the query would be something like this:

 dia        | hora
 2016-09-01 | 27000 (equivalente a 07:30)
 2016-09-01 | 43200 (equivalente a 12:30)
 2016-09-01 | 48600 (equivalente a 13:30)
 2016-09-01 | 63000 (equivalente a 17:30)

With GROUP CONCAT and GROUP BY day, it would look like this:

 SELECT dia, GROUP_CONCAT(TIME_TO_SEC(hora)) as grupo_hora FROM marcacoes

 dia        | grupo_hora
 2016-09-01 | 27000,43200,48600,63000

So, we could do an ingenious work to calculate the distance between schedules.

  list($entrada, $almoco_entrada, $almoco_saida, $saida) = explode(',', $resultado['grupo_hora']);

  $diferenca_em_segundos = $saida - $entrada - ($almoco_saida - $almoco_entrada);

Now we have a small problem: The conversion from $diferenca_em_segundos to time format.

Then you can use the gmdate function:

gmdate("H:i", $diferenca_em_segundos); // 08:00

The only problem with gmdate in this case is that it can return unexpected values if the value of seconds passes a sum of 24 hours.

Then the solution would be this:

How to get the format in hours when this exceeds 24?

03.08.2016 / 16:18


As of PHP 5> = 5.2.0, PHP has the DateTime classes that handle time with various functions. Specifically in your need DateTime :: diff will help you Take a look at the documentation that will be helpful. link

$datetime1 = new DateTime($dataDoMysql1); // ex: 2016-08-01 06:00:00
$datetime2 = new DateTime($dataDoMysql2); // ex: 2016-08-03 10:00:00
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
echo $interval->format('%R%a days');
03.08.2016 / 15:32