How to collect iPhone Internet usage information with Xamarin / monotouch


I need to collect internet usage information on the iphone, the code in C # below that I'm using only returns me zero values.

Am I using the right class?

Is there any reference I need to add in xamarin?

In mono I get 3 types of classes, the interface "MacOsIPv4InterfaceStatistics" always returns a value of 0.


  • Win32IPv4InterfaceStatistics
  • LinuxIPv4InterfaceStatistics
  • MacOsIPv4InterfaceStatistics

    using System;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Threading;
    using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;

    namespace Taximeter {     public delegate void Update ();

    public static class ControleUso
        public static long controller;
        public static long BytesReceivedWiFi;
        public static long BytesSentWiFi;
        public static long BytesReceived3G;
        public static long BytesSent3G;
        public static Update UpdateMethod;
        public static void DoWork()
            foreach (var netint in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) {
                var stats = netint.GetIPv4Statistics ();
                //if (netint.Name.StartsWith ("en")) {
                    BytesReceivedWiFi += stats.BytesReceived;
                    BytesSentWiFi += stats.BytesSent;
                if (netint.Name.StartsWith ("pdp_ip")) {
                    BytesReceived3G += stats.BytesReceived;
                    BytesSent3G += stats.BytesSent;
            if (UpdateMethod != null) {
                UpdateMethod ();
            Thread.Sleep (1000);


  • asked by anonymous 07.10.2014 / 14:15

    0 answers