My goal is to invert two position objects when you select an element in the dropdown
By default, when the page is opened the component dropdown
has two elements "Destination" and "Source"
These components opens a SELECT (Território)
and a DROPDOWN (Pais)
When I select in the dropdow (first mentioned) "Destination" and "Import"
the two components SELECT (territorio)
and DROPDOWN (pais)
have to invert, type ... DROPDOWN (pais) ==Direita
and SELECT (territorio)==Esquerda
<tr id="trTerritorioPais" runat="server">
<select id="slctTerritorialidade" runat="server" onchange="ExibirTD(this.value)">
<option value="RegiaoBR">Região BR</option>
<option value="UF">UF</option>
<option value="RegPlanMG">Região de Planejamento MG</option>
<option value="MunicipioMG">Município MG</option>
<b title="Campo Obrigatório"> * </b>
<asp:DropDownList Width="200px" ID="ddlPais" runat="server">
<b title="Campo Obrigatório"> * </b>
It should also be noted that I have values (data) in the database, I need to do this without changing the database.