I am capturing news links posted to a particular site using the following code:
function academia(){
function makeNews(res){
var soup = $(res.responseText).find('div [class~="tileImage"] h2');
var title = $(this).find('a').text();
var link = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
var noticie = '<table class="noticias"><tr><td class="noticia_link" rowspan="3"><a href="http://www.fab.mil.br' + link + '" target="_blank">' + title + '</a></td></tr></table>';
url: 'http://www.fab.mil.br/noticias/tag/SANTOS_DUMONT',
type: 'GET',
success: makeNews
$(function() {
The problem is that the links have the news headline with accents and everything.
When I load the page (generated with php) where they will be listed, the symbols appear as swapped. For example: link
They give 404 error when they are opened. I tried different charsets in php but it does not work.
Are there any simple outputs to capture links exactly as they are?
ADDITION: This is the code that goes on the php page
<div class="loading-alert">
<h2>Buscando noticias...</h2>
<ul id="news-list"></ul>
E This is the code that does the actual work:
* jQuery.ajax mid - CROSS DOMAIN AJAX
* ---
* @author James Padolsey (http://james.padolsey.com)
* @version 0.11
* @updated 12-JAN-10
* ---
* Note: Read the README!
* ---
* @info http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/cross-domain-requests-with-jquery/
jQuery.ajax = (function(_ajax){
var protocol = location.protocol,
hostname = location.hostname,
exRegex = RegExp(protocol + '//' + hostname),
YQL = 'http' + (/^https/.test(protocol)?'s':'') + '://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?callback=?',
query = 'select * from html where url="{URL}" and xpath="*"';
function isExternal(url) {
return !exRegex.test(url) && /:\/\//.test(url);
return function(o) {
var url = o.url;
if ( /get/i.test(o.type) && !/json/i.test(o.dataType) && isExternal(url) ) {
// Manipulate options so that JSONP-x request is made to YQL
o.url = YQL;
o.dataType = 'json';
o.data = {
q: query.replace(
url + (o.data ?
(/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + jQuery.param(o.data)
: '')
format: 'xml'
// Since it's a JSONP request
// complete === success
if (!o.success && o.complete) {
o.success = o.complete;
delete o.complete;
o.success = (function(_success){
return function(data) {
if (_success) {
// Fake XHR callback.
_success.call(this, {
responseText: (data.results[0] || '')
// YQL screws with <script>s
// Get rid of them
.replace(/<script[^>]+?\/>|<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/gi, '')
}, 'success');
return _ajax.apply(this, arguments);