Hello, I have this doubt, I have already been able to list the directories with methods found on the internet, but I have not been able to implement in a method that feeds a <h:selectOneMenu>
so that an item is selected. Any suggestions / solutions?
Thank you.
To list directories :
private String selectItem;
private List<SelectItem> siglas;
public void init() {
this.modulo = new Modulo();
/* Listagem de diretórios para popular o SelectOneMenu */
siglas = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
File directory = new File(".");
File[] subdirs = directory.listFiles((FileFilter) DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY);
for (File dir : subdirs) {
siglas.add(new SelectItem(dir.getName(), dir.getName().toUpperCase()));
} /* fim da listagem de diretórios */
Running this method on a main, it shows the structure of the application, but when I run Tomcat, it only shows the structure of the operating system.
<h:selectOneMenu id="siglas" value="#{moduloBean.modulo.sigla}" label="Siglas">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione..." noSelectionOption="true"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{moduloBean.siglas}"/>