I have a system that performs multi-upload of files, I am using the Codeigniter framework that extends the Class Upload
of the CI. The files are being moved correctly to the desired folder, however, in the database insert only one registers.
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE):
$upload = $this->protocolo->do_upload('arquivo');
if (is_array($upload) && $upload['file_name'] != ''):
$dados['arquivo'] = $upload['file_name'];
echo form_label('Arquivo');
echo form_upload(array('name' => 'arquivo[]', 'class' => 'arquivo', 'multiple' => ''), set_value('arquivo'));
Upload model:
public function do_upload($campo = 'arquivo') {
$config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|pdf';
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if ($this->upload->do_multi_upload($campo)):
return $this->upload->data();
return $this->upload->display_errors();
Data insertion model:
public function do_insert($dados = NULL) {
if ($dados != NULL):
$this->db->insert('protocolo', $dados);
I ran a test, I used a function that the class multi upload offers, called get_multi_upload_data()
and it returned the data correctly:
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE):
$upload = $this->protocolo->do_upload('arquivo');
if (is_array($upload) && $upload['file_name'] != ''):
echo '<pre>';
$upload = $this->upload->get_multi_upload_data();
echo '</pre>';
Array ( [0] => Array ( [file_name] => 311cc35c96ca64b7750cdce8e8f548d1.jpg [file_type] => image/jpeg [file_path] => D:/wamp/www/sistemaProtocolo/uploads/ [full_path] => D:/wamp/www/sistemaProtocolo/uploads/311cc35c96ca64b7750cdce8e8f548d1.jpg [raw_name] => 311cc35c96ca64b7750cdce8e8f548d1 [orig_name] => Copia.jpg [client_name] => Copia.jpg [file_ext] => .jpg [file_size] => 851.84 [is_image] => 1 [image_width] => 1144 [image_height] => 857 [image_type] => jpeg [image_size_str] => width="1144" height="857" ) [1] => Array ( [file_name] => aa960f3a2566ab709e9cfc8d10a5db99.jpg [file_type] => image/jpeg [file_path] => D:/wamp/www/sistemaProtocolo/uploads/ [full_path] => D:/wamp/www/sistemaProtocolo/uploads/aa960f3a2566ab709e9cfc8d10a5db99.jpg [raw_name] => aa960f3a2566ab709e9cfc8d10a5db99 [orig_name] => dsds.jpg [client_name] => dsds.jpg [file_ext] => .jpg [file_size] => 877.92 [is_image] => 1 [image_width] => 1029 [image_height] => 772 [image_type] => jpeg [image_size_str] => width="1029" height="772" ) )
The problem is only in the insertion of the DB, it is inserting only a record, does anyone have an idea of what it can be?