How does Spring JSF integration work, and what is the role of the InternalResourceViewResolver Filter and how should it be configured for integration?


I'm studying to start a project of a distributed Web system, which will have simple interfaces in some contexts, but others will require an interface structure that will make it necessary to adopt a framework like PrimeFaces to contribute to the construction of the interface. >

As the system uses Spring I also saw that I should use Spring, which I have already been informed and it is a great challenge to integrate with JSF in addition to the containers.

I saw that the InternalResourceViewResolver filter is a fundamental part of this process, am I right? How is your participation? and How should it be parameterized?



The system is based on Spring and should work in the main application containers, it will be an open system (code available in GitHub) but of restricted use, the license is still being discussed.

asked by anonymous 06.06.2015 / 17:32

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