How to improve the loading of related entities using LinqKit?


Hi, I'm using LinqKit to stack "Expression Predicates", so I need to do a "foreach" to do the entities Load related and this is being very costly for application because to load 1000 records is taking in average 4 minutes. Is there any way to streamline this Load process?

 public override IQueryable<Entity.Modelos.FluxoDeCaixa> Filtro(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<Entity.Modelos.FluxoDeCaixa, bool>> expressao)

        var query = from f in _contexto.FluxoDeCaixa.AsExpandable().Where(expressao)                        
                    from fu in _contexto.Funcionario.Where(x => x.PessoaId == f.FuncionarioId)
                    from pl in _contexto.PlanoDeContas.Where(x => x.PlanoDeContasId == f.PlanoDeContasId)
                    from pf in _contexto.PessoaFisica.Where(x => x.PessoaId == f.PessoaId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                    from pj in _contexto.PessoaJuridica.Where(x => x.PessoaId == f.PessoaId).DefaultIfEmpty()                                                
                    select f;

        foreach (var f in query)
            .Reference(r => r.PlanoDeContas)

                .Reference(r => r.Funcionario)

                .Reference(r => r.Pessoa)

        return query;
asked by anonymous 28.05.2015 / 05:49

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