PHPExcel - Library automatically converts date notation when importing Excel worksheet, from dd / mm / yyyy changes to mm / dd / yyyy


I'm going through a problem that is already making me bald ..

In a certain part of an application, I need to import user data through an Excel spreadsheet, so I'm using the PHPExcel library.

However, when I edit the information in Ms Excel, when importing, PHPExcel changes the date notation mysteriously.

Ex: I enter the following date in the worksheet, 10/07/2015 (dd / mm / yyyy), and when importing the date is 07/10/2015 (mm / dd / yyyy).

This problem happened in Libre Office Calc, but I formatted the date column for the dd / mm / yyyy notation, and the information is imported normally. Already in Ms Excel this does not resolve.

I have already created several filters with PHP to handle this type of "error" but it never works ...

Has anyone ever gone through this? Any ideas on what to do?

Thank you very much !!

asked by anonymous 21.07.2015 / 15:46

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