I'm not able to test the code that runs on then of promise
I have the following controller:
class Product extends Controller
constructor: ($scope, productService) ->
$scope.product = productService.new()
$scope.products = []
$scope.create = ->
productService.create($scope.product).$promise.then (res) ->
$scope.product = productService.new()
And the following test class:
describe 'productsController', ->
q = scope = controller = productService = productServiceMock = undefined
beforeEach module('e-city')
beforeEach ->
productServiceMock =
new: -> a: 'a'
create: (p)->
qq = q.defer()
$promise: qq.promise
module ($provide) ->
$provide.value 'productService', productServiceMock
beforeEach ->
inject (_productService_, $controller, $rootScope, $q) ->
q = $q
productService = _productService_
scope = $rootScope.$new()
controller = $controller 'productController', $scope: scope
describe 'should test the create method', ->
it 'should set a new object on $scope.product', ->
spy = sinon.spy productService, 'create'
In my test I created a Mock for the productService to run the tests without bothering the bank. The Mock issue is working correctly, I just can not test if productService.new () is being called when the promise of the productService .create ($ scope.product) is resolved. What could it be?