How to know the size of an object in memory?


I'm not behind a method / operator sizeof because I already understand that JAVA does not have this, but I need some way to measure at least on average how much an object spends from memory, even if it's using some kind of debug.

asked by anonymous 12.06.2017 / 13:30

2 answers


If your object is Serializable , you can use associated with to measure the size of your object when it is serialized:

class Tamanho {
    public static int tamanho(Serializable obj) {
        try (
   baos = new;
   oos = new
        ) {
            return baos.toByteArray().length;
        } catch ( ex) {
            // ignore a IOException que é levantada quando se fecha o oos

Here I am using the "try-with-resources" construction of Java 7, which closes the streams for me. If you are using Java 6 or earlier, you have to transform this construction into a common try fault, but since Java 7 is already very old, here's the answer ...

12.06.2017 / 14:45

If you use eclipse, this plugin might be useful link . It gives you a complete report and even lets you find out if some memory leak is occurring at some point in your application.

16.12.2018 / 03:56