How to export ReportViewer to Excel while maintaining field types?


I have a report in ViewReport in VS2010 and when I export to Excel, the default VS button does not retain the fields format. This way I can not use Excel functions like SUM for example because all the fields are like Text.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem? Any tips on how to solve?

asked by anonymous 30.07.2015 / 15:50

1 answer


Unfortunately, the ReportViewer that comes with SSRS is pretty rigid - you will not be able to edit the datatype as something different in downloaded Excel. This question and answer in SOen explains a similar problem, and the author had to create his own extension in SSRS. Also this question in SOen had exactly the same problem - and ended with the same answer.

I do not say it's impossible, but it's very complicated and complex - unfortunately!

31.07.2015 / 06:47