I'm trying to send some parameters to the pounds file? wadl via POST from SOAP, but from what I'm understanding SOAP does not recognize the WADL format.
I tried to use some things like Httpful and PHP REST Client, but in neither of them did the post for this file work.
//funcao que sera executada pelo servidor
$function = 'revisionRequestInfo';
//Caminho onde sera salvo esse arquivo WSDL ( WADL )
$options = array( 'location' => 'myURl/services/libras/request/revision' );
//parametros para gerar o arquivo WDLS ( WADL )
$arguments = array( 'revisionRequestInfo' => array(
'identifier' => 'testIdentifier',
'institution' => 'testInstitution',
'department' => 'testDepartment',
'email' => 'testEmail',
'reason' => 'reason'
//caminho onde o arquivo WSDL ( WADL ) esta
$client = new SoapClient( null, array(
'location' => 'myURL/libras?_wadl'
) );
//chama o client SOAP
$result = $client->__soapCall( $function, $arguments, $options );
catch ( SoapFault $E )
echo $E->faultstring ;