How to insert the Slider Revolution Magento Extension block into phtml files?


I am making some unproductive attempts to insert the block created by the extension to Magento within the phtml files of the theme and already tried to insert as a block of Slider Revolution itself and also put the shortcode of the plugin inside a native block of Magento to try to call the html by inserting the block into the theme file. I have errors of type variable $this is calling an object that does not exist.

I can not edit the xml files of the theme, so I did not even try to do that. The code I'm trying to insert inside phtml is this:

echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('nwdrevslider/revslider')->setAlias('fashion_slider')->toHtml();



Fatal error: Using $ this when not in context object in ...

Can anyone help me find a solution or follow a reasoning to make it work?

asked by anonymous 26.08.2015 / 18:57

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