I have the following foreach()
<? foreach($cidades as $valor){ ?>
<div class="listacidade"><a href="<? echo base_url("cidade/".$valor->idParametro."-".url_title($valor->parametro)); ?>"><img src="<? echo base_url(); ?>site/modules/entrada/images/<?=url_title($valor->parametro);?>.jpg" width="250" height="120" alt=""/></a></div>
<? } ?>
In it I already do the normal database query and view according to the city listing, but I need to click on one of the cities so that I can pass idParametro
in some way, it can be in $_POST
... I just do not want it to appear then in URL .
I thought of using city / name-codcity but it does not work, because of the module, then I would have to create a module for each city.
Passing only id
would already be good.