Doubt about Searchview


I am a beginner in programming and Android and I have researched a lot and watched many video lessons and am having a hard time with regard to search with searchview. I, despite researching, testing and testing I am not able to understand how to do a search engine in my app.

My application is a food application of my diet that has an activity with the food categories (fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.) and within these categories have food, for example in fruit has apple, banana , papaya, in vegetables arugula, watercress, lettuce and so on. I want when I click on the foods open an activity with a food image, an audio talking about food and texts about food.

What happens is that I want to do a searchview that searches the foods in the categories and gives suggestions as I type the letters and when I click on the search suggestion option or when I type the name of the food completely open the activity. But I've read a lot, researched and watched videos and I can not do this searchview. Many videos explain with examples, but in these examples there is a lot that I will not use and as I am beginner I do not know what changes I have to make from example videos to my application, I tried to copy and paste some site codes and do as needed changes that I thought should be made, but it still did not work.

I would like to ask, please, if any colleague can teach me how to make this search engine geared towards my application. I apologize for being such a beginner, but I'm learning and I'm so in need of help with it.

I even thought about paying someone to make this part of the application for me so difficult that it is for me to do it.

If anyone prefers to teach me by skype it can be, otherwise it can be here in the forum, but I really appreciate it.



asked by anonymous 25.07.2015 / 18:24

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