Error compiling code using the MP3 conversion libmp3lame.a


Someone could help me, I'm having a problem while running my app on Iphone 6 I use a library to convert audio to mp3 called libmp3lame.a , but I can not compile, the warning follows.

ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/Abound/Desktop/Projeto Sistema da Igreja/App/AppIgreja/AppIgreja/GravaAudio/libmp3lame.a, missing required architecture x86_64 in file /Users/Abound/Desktop/Projeto Sistema da Igreja/App/AppIgreja/AppIgreja/GravaAudio/libmp3lame.a (3 slices)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
 "_lame_close", referenced from:
   -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
"_lame_encode_buffer_interleaved", referenced from:
  -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
"_lame_encode_flush", referenced from:
  -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
"_lame_init", referenced from:
  -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
"_lame_init_params", referenced from:
  -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
"_lame_set_VBR", referenced from:
  -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
"_lame_set_in_samplerate", referenced from:
  -[CorrenteOracoes toMp3] in CorrenteOracoes.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
asked by anonymous 19.10.2015 / 01:22

1 answer


Yes, as ITSangar commented, you just need to recompile the libmp3lame library with support for x86_4 architecture, which is nothing more than the iOS Simulator (Or you're using the library to a Desktop program?). If you're using a device, such as an iPhone or iPad, libmp3lame will work normally, with no compile errors.

Coincidentally we also have a church project for iOS, which needs to send recordings made in .mp3 to be used as testimonials, hence the need to use libmp3lame . >

If you need help compiling libmp3lame to be used in the Simulator, please edit your answer so we can help you more specifically.

13.11.2016 / 14:33