How to read an excel file in a console application in C #?


I am trying to read a data from an excel table in C #, my code looks like this:

            string resp;
            string rota= "D:/Users/e608871/documents/visual studio 2010/Projects/CEMIGID/CEMIGID/CEMIGID.xlsx";
            var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(rota);
            var res = (from row in excel.Worksheet("Sheet1")
                       let item = new Program

                           ID = row[0].Cast<string>(),
                           diretorio = row[1].Cast<string>()
                       select item).ToList();
            foreach (var item in res)
                resp = item.ID;

But it does not read, it just opens the console and shows nothing

asked by anonymous 20.10.2015 / 13:22

1 answer


Assuming that the res variable has value, you can display it using the Console's WriteLine method (assuming your application is Console).

foreach (var item in res)

Within the foreach you are assigning resp = item.ID to know that you are always overwriting the value of resp , right?

20.10.2015 / 13:38