Redirect Loop Cakephp


I am performing maintenance on a system made with cakephp however when trying to log in the browser returns the following error.


This webpage has a redirect loop

I looked at stack em ingles and found a "solution" that said to include:


In my class AppController within method beforeFilter() , this worked but now when in the system no menu link works. Below the code for AppController

public $components = array(
        'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'eventos', 'action' => 'index'),
        'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'login'),
        'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'login'),
        'authorize' => array('Controller'),
        'authError' => 'Você não tem permissão para acessar essa área!'
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Session', 'Time', 'Text', 'Number');
public $model;
public $not_condition = array('page', 'direction', 'sort');
public $filter_with_like = array();
public $conditions = array();
public $limit = 20;
public function beforeFilter() {
    $this->Auth->authError = 'Área restrita';
    $this->Auth->authorize = 'Controller';
    $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'index' );

The login method:

public function login() {

    $this->layout = 'login';

    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        $this->User->recursive = -1;

        if ($this->Auth->login($this)) {
            $user = $this->User->checkIn($this->request->data['User']['user'], $this->request->data['User']['senha']); //Checa user e senha

            if ($user != false) { // Se tiver tudo ok
                $user['Admin'] = $user['User'];

                $this->Session->write($this->Auth->sessionKey, $this->Auth->user());

                //$this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect('/' . $th   is->Auth->user('Nivel.short') . '/dashboard/'));
                $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect(array('controller' => 'email', 'action' => 'relatorio')));
            } else {
                $this->Session->setFlash('Dados incorretos', 'login');
        } else
            $this->Session->setFlash('Dados incorretos', 'login');
asked by anonymous 15.12.2015 / 12:39

1 answer


You are declaring LoginRedirect twice, try taking one, suggest it with the path 'pages' => 'login' ;

'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'eventos', 'action' => 'index'),
        'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'login'),

To direct the user to login page as it accesses the root of your system use $this->Auth->loginAction();

27.08.2017 / 23:56