I'm a demand that the thing is, I want to create a set of images and I will list them, for this I create a struct vector similar to resultsInfo = struct('indice',0,'correlatas',cell(1,5),'fatorCorrelacao',zeros(1,5),'somaImagens',zeros(640,480));
% where:
index is an integer representing the index of the image;
correlates receives cell with 5 different names of images that are similar
factorCorrelation is a vector that receives a number that represents how similar those images are;
and somaImagens receives the sum of 5 similar images.
When I do that, it fills the headquarters of somaImagem field, only the first 5 elements of the vector, the other it allocates an empty array. My intention is to fill the vector dynamically, as the number of images may vary according to each project.