Log4j does not create log in Docker


I'm starting now with Docker and I'm doing some testing with a small application.

I can upload the application in Docker, but I have log4j configured to generate the log files in a specific path, /var/log/teste . When I upload the application to my machine - I'm using Cent OS 7 - log is generated, when I give docker build . , jetty rises without errors, but does not generate log.

Follow my Dockerfile:

FROM maven:3.3.1-jdk-7

COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

RUN mkdir /var/log/teste
RUN chmod 777 -R /var/log/teste

RUN mvn clean install


RUN mvn jetty:run

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me?

asked by anonymous 12.02.2016 / 13:02

1 answer


Logs are not created because there is no container running. build builds an image and leaves it available, so you can use it to create < in> containers . The application building logs, jetty running in build and everything else is just the command creating the image, ie, dropping the dependencies (as specified in RUN of Dockerfile , etc.) and not necessarily by running the container . Notice that until then we do not have a container , since build is an image command, not container . See the topics for both.

To execute all the stream you want, let's consider that you have constructed your image as follows (assuming you are in the directory where Dockerfile is):

docker build -t jetty-log4j .

If the build succeeds, listing the images ( docker images you will have something like this:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
jetty-log4j               <none>              81a458346fd6        5 minutes ago       605 MB

Created the image now we have to create a container and rotate it and for this we have run ". This guy first creates a container and then launches it. It is a combination of create and start , just to make our life easier:)

So, to create and start our container we can do the following:

docker run --name jetty-log4j-test \
    -d \
    -p 8080:8080 \

This will create a container called jetty-log4j and run it. It is at this point that your log will be created, because now there is actually a container running, so your application is running.

If you want to run create first and then start , you can do this:

docker create --name jetty-log4j-test \
    -d \
    -p 8080:8080 \

And then:

docker start jetty-log4j-test

start can be used from now on, you do not need to use run again, since you already have the container created, only if you want other container of the same image.

Now we can docker ps to see if the container is really running and we'll have something like this:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9c01fb0b739a        jetty-log4j                  bash                   17 seconds ago       Up 16 seconds       8080/tcp            jetty-log4j-test

It is after this step that we can notice the log in path configured, since now we actually have a container running, not just an image. p>

To stop the container just do this:

docker stop jetty-log4j-test

For other commands, see the documentation available at cli .

12.02.2016 / 15:38