Copy DLL to directory with .nuspec without referencing it in the project


I created a local NuGet. It worked well, until we found a problem that I can not resolve immediately. The following: There is a reference in the project, which calls another reference. Well, it turns out that this reference can not be added as a reference, but this DLL must be in the same directory (folder) as the DLL referenced. If I put it like this: <file src="...." target="minha_pasta" /> it enters as a reference. What I want is to move this DLL , which should not be entered as a reference in the package, to the directory where the DLL reference is. See how my .nuspec is.

        <description>01.SisAmilNetRelatorios.Site (Camada de apresentação)</description>
        <file src="SisAmilNetRelatorios.Site/AjaxControlToolkit/4.1.50731.0/AjaxControlToolkit.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="SisAmilNetRelatorios.Site/Interop.Shell32/" target="lib/net40" /> 
        <file src="SisAmilNetRelatorios.Site/Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms/11.0.3442.2/Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="SisAmilNetRelatorios.Site/Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms/10.0.40219.1/Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.configuration.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Data.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Drawing.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.ServiceProcess.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.DynamicData.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.Entity.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.Extensions.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.Services.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.EnterpriseServices.dll" target="lib/net40" />
        <file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll" target="lib/net40" />

This DLL should not be entered as a reference. I should just copy it to the same directory, that's all. I just need to copy to the same directory as this DLL .

<file src="NETFramework/v4.0/System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll" target="lib/net40" />
asked by anonymous 21.12.2015 / 19:01

1 answer


What I want is impossible. The very nature of NuGet does not allow, that is, if it is DLL and is in the folder where NuGet looks, it will be installed. If there is a need to have a situation similar to that posted, unfortunately someone will have to put the DLL in the folder after the installation by NuGet.

22.12.2015 / 13:04