Bank Queue Management System


Hello everyone, I need a help, I'm learning how to program now, I'm developing a password system for a JAVA database-based queue with a Mysql database.

Normal Password; Priority Password;

Call in Password Claim Password

Display (Form for Password)

Follows my Password class

package Modelo;

public class Senha {

private int senha;
private Boolean chamada;
private DateTime inicioAtendimento;
private  Boolean prioritaria;

    public int getSenha() {
        return senha;

    public void setSenha(int senha) {
        this.senha = senha;

    public Boolean getChamada() {
        return chamada;

    public void setChamada(Boolean chamada) {
        this.chamada = chamada;

    public DateTime getInicioAtendimento() {
        return inicioAtendimento;

    public void setInicioAtendimento(DateTime inicioAtendimento) {
        this.inicioAtendimento = inicioAtendimento;

    public Boolean getPrioritaria() {
        return prioritaria;

    public void setPrioritaria(Boolean prioritaria) {
        this.prioritaria = prioritaria;

Generate Password Class

My Call Button Password

private void btChamarActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
        // TODO add your handling code here:

            senha  novo = new senha();
            label1.Text = "Atendimento Prioritário";
            label2.Text =" Senha: " +novo.GeraSenha();

My question is if I'm walking well and what classes should I use for this purpose?

I was grateful for the help I am making to this project for University.

asked by anonymous 02.02.2016 / 14:40

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