Good afternoon,
I've been searching the internet for solutions to my current problem with paths, but I can not find them.
Imagine that I have the following links:
www.sitedev / Client / Files / Uploads / image.png
In this case, in the first link I always get the path of the image back-end without using HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath
, but when I try the same with the second link, it ignores the Client subfolder. In case, I pass as parameter "~ / Files / Uploads / image.png".
This subfolder exists in a development environment for different applications to be hosted.
Is there a method that can get both cases, or even more subdirectories before the application is found?
One of the cases that I'm having problems with is the following code:
// Os valores das variáveis são:
// ultimoDigitoDoId = "4";
// Configuracoes.DiretorioUploadEmpresa = "~/Arquivos/uploads/empresas/"
var pasta = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(String.Format("{0}{1}\{2}",
if (!Directory.Exists(pasta))
When the folder is created and the files are saved in it, it is created outside the 'Client' context, the one I showed above in the two link examples