Wordpress child theme edition with Bootstrap


Some questions. I'm studying child theme because they told me it's the best way to change themes.


I'm messing around with bootstrap and would like to change a theme that has bootstrap, in case I'm not going to use style.css because I want to add bootstrap stuff to the page. How should I proceed?

Proposed solution:

Copy and paste the index.php from the parent and child theme into the child theme and change the parts that I want to change? Is that correct?

Another possible question:

How would the administrative part work? I need to edit the banner, for example. Maybe also a text from one of the three columns below the banner. The simplest solution would be to use a plugin? The question is whether it will work perfectly with Bootstrap or will it have conflicts? Is it a good practice?

Reason for question:

I'm looking for the best current solutions and practices.

asked by anonymous 08.04.2016 / 14:53

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