How to get a JSON file and decode in C ++? read the Json file in C ++


I have a JSON file with employee data and I want to read this file in C++ to pass para a pendrive and export this file, how to proceed? Follows file JSON:


":" Alexandre N. da   C.Neves "," ID ":" 213 "," PIS ":" 00000000 "," Time ": 1456229448} ...

and the program in C ++ more or less this:

typedef struct  funcionario // struct com 100 elementos
    char CodBarras[11];
    char BioDados[512];
    char Passwd[11];
    char MiFareDado[21];
    char Nome[53];
    char ID[11];
    char PIS[13];
    char Aux[5];
    long int Tempo;
}functionaries[100];   // array para rodar essa struct 100x 

The program has to load the JSON file and load it into Struct.

Thank you in advance

asked by anonymous 08.04.2016 / 15:27

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