How to make a query in mysql using ignore index with group_concat?


I have a query that does inner join of heavy tables with the filter where coluna = 'valor da coluna' , it runs until reasonable but it would need to run this query without the filter. Only the query loaded until it lost the connection to the server. Searching, I found a function ignore index and use index , with ignore index , to be able to at least bring the information, although it is still taking a while but so far so good. My problem now is that in this query, I need to make a group_concat with two columns, the query loads again without stopping. Without this group_concat normal wheel.

Does anyone know a way to make the query run with ignore index and group_concat ?

My query looks something like this:

group_concat(distinct(concat(subject_id,',',subject_value)), '') as valor,
coluna 3,
tabela1 as a straight_join tabela2 as b on a.columa1 = b.coluna2 
straight_join tabela3 as c on b.coluna2 = c.coluna3 where 
date_format(c.time_update,'%Y-%m-%d') >= date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval -3 day), '%Y-%m-%d');
asked by anonymous 22.03.2016 / 19:43

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