mOxie Library
I found a library capable of doing what you are asking for.
This is a polyfill listed in GitHub of the modernizr called mOxie .
The library is fantastic except to start development. I had to compile it, then start testing ... then I fixed some compilation errors, and some errors in the generated JavaScript, then it finally worked.
I used the following parts of mOxie:
FileInput : component that allows you to select a file and use the files that are selected using a
FileReader : read a file
Image : allows you to manipulate images, such as resizing it
For the difficulty I had in compiling, I decided to create a repository in GitHub with the already compiled version:
Example of use
I put in the folder \v1.2.1\samples
, the example of how to do what you said:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="moxie.min.js"></script>
<script>mOxie.Env.swf_url = 'Moxie.swf';</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function readURL(input) {
if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
var reader = new mOxie.FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
var img = new mOxie.Image();
img.onload = function() {
var tgt = document.getElementById("target");
<form id="form1">
<div id="container">
<a id="file-picker" href="javascript:;">Browse...</a>
var fileInput = new mOxie.FileInput({
browse_button: 'file-picker', // or document.getElementById('file-picker')
container: 'container',
accept: [
{title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png"} // accept only images
multiple: true // allow multiple file selection
fileInput.onchange = function(e) {
// do something to files array
//; // or this.files or fileInput.files
fileInput.init(); // initialize
<div id="target"></div>
It works on IE8
andIE9. Also in Chrome
,FireFox and Opera
I had trouble with Safari
,IE6 and IE7
Maybeit'sbesttouseaselectiveapproachbetweenmyanswer,yourowncode(shouldworkinSafari),and @CarlosMartins answer (which uses AlphaImageLoader, so I researched it in IE6 and IE7). You could use conditional comments to achieve full compatibility if you want.
To work in IE8 and IE9, mOxie requires either Flash or SilverLight . It looks like they have plans to support the use of Java as well, but for now it does not.