Today I have the following scenario: my clients enter my site and the login screen appears, where I ask for the User Group, Login and Password.
For the Group I have a database, where it has the data of the user database ie on which server it is allocated the name etc.
With this, I check if the group exists. If it exists I close the connection from my Group Database, which is called Manager, and open the connection from the user database.
Each user has his / her database, so I open the user's database connection after checking if the group exists and write to a HTTPSESSION
(obs: I write the EntityManegerFactory
in the session), so all Once it does a search, I make EntityManager
receive this factory from the session.
I want to know if this can slow the system, because my java server is crashing, I wanted to know if that is why.
Here I write the client database in the session:
public EntityManager getEntityManager(String PU, String Local, String endfdb) {
if (PU.equals("0")) {
GestorEMF = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("GestorPU");
return GestorEMF.createEntityManager();
} else {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", "jdbc:firebirdsql:"+endfdb+"/3050:" + Local);
usrEMF = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PU, props);
HttpSession sess = (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false);
sess.setAttribute("mitryusEMF", mitryusEMF);
return mitryusEMF.createEntityManager();
Here I switch to EM every time the user needs:
public EntityManager getEntityMitryus() {
EntityManagerFactory usuario = (EntityManagerFactory) getSession().getAttribute("mitryusEMF");
return usuario.createEntityManager();