Text file in .js was encrypted


I'm working on a .js file format in Visual Studio 2015, I opened this same file with Visual Studio Code and saved it, now when I try to open this file again the same appears coded. Does anyone know what happened and how to decode?

An excerpt from the encoded text:


angular.module ('starter.services',   + AFsAXQ-) + ICsgXA-.factory ('Cities', function (+ ACQ-cordovaSQLite) + AHsgKA- return + AHsgKA- selectLocal cities: function () + AHsgKA- var cities + AD0- + AFsAXQA7ICg- var query + AD0- + ACI-SELECT + ACO FROM city + ACIAOyA- return   + ACQ-cordovaSQLite.execute (db, query, + AFsAXQ -) then (function (res) + AHsgKA- if (res.rows.length + AD4- 0) + AHsgKA- for (var i + AD0- 0 + ADs - i + ADw- res.rows.length + ADs- i + - + -) + AHsgKA-
  cities.push (+ AHsgKA- Cdmunicipio:   res.rows.item (i) .cdmunicipio, + ICg-
  Nmm municipality: res.rows.item (i) .nmmunicipio, + ICg -

asked by anonymous 28.04.2016 / 21:30

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