In order to generate the map of the database I use this code:

doctrine-module orm:convert:mapping --force --from-database --namespace="Application\Entity\" annotation C:\www\projetoBd\module\Application\src

To generate the entities:

doctrine-module orm:generate:entities C:\www\projetoBd\module\Application\src

To set the repository path, replace @ORM\Entity with @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Application\Entity\Repository\Pessoa")

To generate the repository:

doctrine-module orm:generate:repositories C:\www\projetoBd\module\Application\src

Now my problem: I created my bank, for example, table nome , table endereco and followed these steps from above. But now I've created the telefone table. What command do I use to give this update ?? Would it be something like doctrine-module orm:update or something like that?

Thank you guys.

asked by anonymous 24.05.2016 / 02:54

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