problem dragging ckeditor image


I'm starting to use the ckeditor plugin, I can usually send an image to the editor, but when I drag the image to another place, it disappears, and the warning of that second image here, when I copy and paste an image in the editor, the same problem. Has anyone had this problem?

My config.js file looks like this:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
    config.extraPlugins = 'uploadimage';
    config.uploadUrl = '/img';
    config.inlinesave = {
        postUrl: '../data'
    config.mathJaxLib = '//';

Does anyone know what it can be?

asked by anonymous 28.05.2016 / 05:44

1 answer


Hello, I use the version of CKEditor 4, I have not had this problem since I started using this code below:

In my script I use this call to inform textarea:

        CKEDITOR.replace( 'texto1', {
            customConfig: 'config.js'
            ,on: {
                instanceReady: function( ev ) {
                    // Output paragraphs as <p>Text</p>.
                    this.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'p', {
                        indent: true,
                        breakBeforeOpen: true,
                        breakAfterOpen: false,
                        breakBeforeClose: false,
                        breakAfterClose: true

In config I have this information to also improve on the interpretation:

 config.allowedContent = true;
    config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;

In this way I have always moved the images from one position to another without problems, try to use

01.02.2017 / 23:38