The first thing I do in my application is to send a message to the server, just to test if the connection is up and running. When I receive "ok" from the server I continue the application.
On the next screen I have to show a list of names, so I make the list request. But it shows nothing the first time I start the screen, so that something appears I need to reload the screen, like when I turn the cell phone from portrait to landscape. It also appears if I put a button that forces the screen to be recreated.
After some tests I identified that the list was not showing up first because the content it was receiving was the "okay", which I get when doing the connection check. I also identified that the Log responsible for showing what is coming from the requests made (in the function attached below) was correct, showing that I received the list of names, but I also noticed that it is being shown after the Log that I put in the function that takes the function information below. How is this possible? I've called a function and put an object to get the return, however the object has a value set before the return of my function. And this set value is the value of my last request.
I'm using this library: compile
Example: the initial request takes the right answer, hers. Because the > is the first, the list request that is the 2nd picks up the response of the 1st > requisition. If I reload the page this means that a new > request is made, right? That would be the requisition of the list. Now the list appears, > but it appears because it picked up the response from the 2nd requisition, which is also > a list. The response from the 3rd requisition was not used, and if I do a & quot; 4th requisition this will pick up information from the 3rd and so on.
Below is the code used to make the requisitions.
public class HttpConnection {
public static String getSetDataWeb(String url, String method, String data) throws URISyntaxException {
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
String answer = "";
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
// Setamos nossa URI
request.setURI(new URI(url));
// Executamos nossa transação HTTP
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);
// Pegamos o conteúdo advindo como resposta e inserimos em um InputStream
answer = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
Log.d("RESPOSTAhttp", answer);
catch(NullPointerException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
catch(ClientProtocolException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
Function that sends the requested URL to httpConnection
public static String comandaDetalhes(final String numCartao) throws SQLException {
new Thread(){
public void run(){
n = HttpConnection.getSetDataWeb(""+numCartao, "", "");
} catch(Exception e) {
return n;
Function that requests the list of names for the function using httpConnection
public List<Conteudo> getComandaDetalhes(){
conteudosL = new ArrayList<>();
//--------INICIO PEGAR ComandaS---------
if(chamadas == 0){
try {
String teste = ComandaDAO.comandaDetalhes(getIntent().getStringExtra("NumeroCartao"));
Log.d("DETALHESCOMANDA", teste);
if(teste != "Comanda inexistente!"){
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(teste);
chamadas =0;
JSONArray jaBebidas = new JSONArray(jo.getString("bebidas"));
Log.d("RESPOSTADetalhesBebidas", String.valueOf(jaBebidas));
JSONArray jaPratos = new JSONArray(jo.getString("pratos"));
Log.d("RESPOSTADetalhesPratos", String.valueOf(jaPratos));
JSONArray jaComanda = new JSONArray(jo.getString("comanda"));
Log.d("RESPOSTADetalhesComanda", String.valueOf(jaComanda));
for(int i = 0; i<jaBebidas.length(); i++){
jo = jaBebidas.getJSONObject(i);
Conteudo conteudos = new Conteudo();
conteudos.setNome("x" + jo.getInt("quantidade_bebidas_comanda")
+ " " + jo.getString("nome_bebida") + " R$ "
+ jo.getDouble("preco_bebida"));
for(int i = 0; i<jaPratos.length(); i++){
jo = jaPratos.getJSONObject(i);
Conteudo conteudos = new Conteudo();
conteudos.setNome("x" + jo.getInt("quantidade_pratos_comanda")
+ " " + jo.getString("nome_prato") + " R$ "
+ jo.getDouble("preco_prato"));
Log.d("PratoAdicionado", conteudos.getNome());
} catch (SQLException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
return conteudosL;