Authentication problem with firebase 3.0 on node.js


Because firebase has upgraded to version 3.0 and needs to be migrated to the new version, a problem has arisen regarding the authentication of my server node. The code is like this

var firebase = require('firebase');

var config = {
  apiKey: "<minha apiKey>",
  authDomain: "<meu domínio de autenticação>",
  databaseURL: "<url do banco>",
  storageBucket: "<minha storageBucket>",
  serviceAccount: "<nome do arquivo gerado pela conta de serviço>.json"


When running npm start, the following error appears:

FIREBASE WARNING: Provided authentication credentials are invalid. 
This   usually indicates your FirebaseApp instance was not initialized correctly. 
Make sure your apiKey and databaseURL match the values provided for your 
app at '', or if you're using 
a service account, make sure it's authorized to access the specified 
databaseURL and is from the correct project.

Being that I got all the config information in my own project console on the firebase.

asked by anonymous 31.05.2016 / 22:31

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