I'm having trouble implementing a demonstration of a semantic analysis of the project. of a compiler in Java. I have a JTextArea and get by. ex write: int x; x = 'a', it should accuse error because x is an integer and not a char. I can even get the substrings but I can not go back to the enum class and compare. Follow the code below and if you need to be clearer, tell me. Thank you.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
public class Lex{
public static enum Simbolo
MODIFCADORDEACESSO("(private) | (protected) | (public)"),
ESPACO("[ \t\f\r\n]+"),
OPMAT("[*/+-=]"), OPBOLEANO("(true) | (false)"),
SIMB("[(/# )}{]"),
PALAVRARESERVADA("(if )|(else )|(for )|(while )|(case )|(Do ) | (break ) | (return ) | (switch )|(assert) | (catch) | (finally) | (throw) | (throws) | (try)"),
TIPOVAR("(int )|(float )|(String )|(double )|(Char )"),
MODIFICADORDECLASSESEMETODOS("(abstract ) | (class ) | (extends ) | (final )| (implements ) | (interface ) |"
+ " (native ) | (new ) | (static ) | (strictfp ) | (synchronized ) | (transient ) | (volatile ) | (void )"),
VARIAVELDEREFERENCIA("(super ) | (this )"),
public final String mod;
private Simbolo(String modelo)
this.mod = modelo; //a variavel mod. recebe a string digitada para ser comparada no while.
}//fim da classe simbolo.
public static class Simbol
public Simbolo t;
public String d;
public Simbol(Simbolo pt, String pd)
this.t = pt;
this.d = pd;
public String toString()
return String.format("(%s %s)", t.name(), d);
public static ArrayList<Simbol> lex(String entr) {
ArrayList<Simbol> vet = new ArrayList<Simbol>();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (Simbolo simb : Simbolo.values())
buffer.append(String.format("|(?<%s>%s)", simb.name(), simb.mod));
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(new String(buffer.substring(1)));
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(entr);
while (mat.find())
if (mat.group(Simbolo.DIGITO.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.DIGITO, mat.group(Simbolo.DIGITO.name())));
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.MODIFICADORDECLASSESEMETODOS.name()) != null)
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.VARIAVELDEREFERENCIA.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.VARIAVELDEREFERENCIA, mat.group(Simbolo.VARIAVELDEREFERENCIA.name())));
continue; }
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.OPMAT.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.OPMAT, mat.group(Simbolo.OPMAT.name())));
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.MODIFCADORDEACESSO.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.MODIFCADORDEACESSO, mat.group(Simbolo.MODIFCADORDEACESSO.name())));
continue; }
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.OPLOG.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.OPLOG, mat.group(Simbolo.OPLOG.name())));
continue; }
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.OPBOLEANO.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.OPBOLEANO, mat.group(Simbolo.OPBOLEANO.name())));
continue; }
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.SIMB.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.SIMB, mat.group(Simbolo.SIMB.name())));
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.VAR.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.VAR, mat.group(Simbolo.VAR.name())));
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.TIPOVAR.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.TIPOVAR, mat.group(Simbolo.TIPOVAR.name())));
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.PALAVRARESERVADA.name()) != null)
vet.add(new Simbol(Simbolo.PALAVRARESERVADA, mat.group(Simbolo.PALAVRARESERVADA.name())));
else if (mat.group(Simbolo.ESPACO.name()) != null)
return vet;
public void verifica(JTextArea txtEntrada, JTextArea txtResultado, JTextArea txtSintatico, JTextArea txtSemantico)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (Simbolo simb : Simbolo.values())
buffer.append(String.format("|(?<%s>%s)", simb.name(), simb.mod));//preenche o buffer com o conteudo da classe simbolo
String text = txtResultado.getText();//conteudo do jtextArea
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(new String(buffer.substring(1)));//compila o buffer
Matcher m = p.matcher(text);//percorre o jtextArea em busca do conteudo do pattern.
int flag=0;
String variavelDeclarada = null;
while(m.find()){//enquanto encontrar
if (m.group(Simbolo.TIPOVAR.name()) != null) {
//verificar o tipo de variavel e fazer um case.
if(m.group(Simbolo.VAR.name())!= null)
variavelDeclarada = m.group(Simbolo.VAR.name());
System.out.println("Variável declarada: " + variavelDeclarada);
String text2 = txtEntrada.getText();
System.out.println("Texto analisado: " + text2);