I am an inexperienced grasshopper and am looking to make an automatic script for myself. This script I created in batch and I can go without problems until the installation of SQL
, restoration of the database and execution of some Querys.
My problem is that my second step requires that I delete Indexes and Rowguide. Well, my worst problem is that the index is mutable, so it will never have the same name (as it seems to me)
So I created something more or less like this
Declare @indexeee varchar(50) =(select i.name from sys.indexes i
inner join sys.tables t
on i.object_id = t.object_id
where t.name = 'Colecao'
and i.name like '%MSm%')
select @indexeee
Perfect for what I need, because it is this index that I need to delete after the rowguide linked to it. but I can not function as a linux script (where I have a bit more experience) or batch windows (I grew up with them)
DROP INDEX @indexeee
ON pdv.produto.colecao;
Message 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 8 Incorrect syntax next to '@indexeee'.
By placing the mouse on Indexeee we have:
Incorrect syntax next to '@indexeee'. Waiting for '.', 'ID', or QUOTE_ID.
If possible I can explain the answer, because I still do not know much about SQL
, basically retaining the Select and inner join.