Is this a correct example of inheritance in JavaScript?


I'm looking at ways to apply Object Oriented in JavaScript. I found a solution for using inheritance. I would like to know if there are better ways and how to encapsulate my classes.

What I've been doing:

People = function(name){ = name
 this.age = null; 

Employee = function(name){,name);
 this.IdentificationCode = null;
 this.salary = null;

Jonh = new Employee("Jonh Smith");
Jonh.age = 25;
Jonh.IdentificationCode = 35632;
Jonh.salary = 3500;
asked by anonymous 25.02.2014 / 14:45

2 answers


What you're doing is not exactly inheritance, because nothing in your John object is actually inherited. Inheritance in JavaScript occurs through an internal reference called prototype , which all objects have. It points to another object, and all properties and methods of the prototype are inherited by the object that contains the reference. In the case of JavaScript, this is particularly useful for methods.

One way to assign prototype to an object is to set the prototype property of a function, and then invoke it as constructor using the new operator. The instantiated object will have prototype the object set to .prototype of the constructor. For example:

// Define "classe" Pessoa
function Pessoa(nome, idade) {
    this.nome = nome;
    this.idade = idade;

// Toda pessoa tem uma método fazAniversário
Pessoa.prototype.fazAniversario = function() {

// Define classe Funcionario
function Funcionario(nome, idade) {, nome, idade);
    this.salario = null;

// Todo funcionário herda de Pessoa
Funcionario.prototype = Object.create(Pessoa.prototype);

// Teste
var joao = new Funcionario('João', 25);
alert(joao.idade); // 26

The line of Object.create is what it does the inheritance. Object.create receives an object and returns another whose prototype is the last object. In the code above, this returned object is used as the prototype of all instances of Funcionario , which is why they inherit the fazAniversario method. It is worth noting that Object.create is not supported in older browsers like IE8. The above link contains a polyfill that can be used for these browsers to partially support this method.

25.02.2014 / 15:07

Take a look at how CoffeeScript handles inheritance:

var Animal, Horse, tom,
    hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
    extends = function (child, parent) {
        for (var key in parent) {
            if (, key)) {
              child[key] = parent[key];

        function ctor() {
            this.constructor = child;
        ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
        child.prototype = new ctor();
        child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
        return child;

Animal = (function () {
    function Animal(name) { = name;

    Animal.prototype.move = function (meters) {
        return alert( + (" moveu " + meters + "m."));

    return Animal;


Horse = (function (super) {
    extends(Horse, super);

    function Horse() {
        return Horse.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    Horse.prototype.move = function () {
        return, 45);

    return Horse;


peDePano = new Horse("Pé de Pano");
25.02.2014 / 15:02