I am uploading here with Codeigniter, it works perfect, but I can not put a logo as a watermark and I would also like to put the site address, I do not know why the error .. the code is as follows. ..
/* Upload de imagem: */
$config['upload_path'] = './tema/dist/img/timeline/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
$config['max_size'] = '0';
$config['max_width'] = '0';
$config['max_height'] = '0';
$config['encrypt_name'] = true;
$config['multi'] = 'all';
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
/* Colocar Logo de Marcar D'Agua */
$img_config['wm_type'] = 'overlay';
$img_config['wm_overlay_path'] = './tema/dist/img/layout/logomarcap.png';
$img_config['wm_x_transp'] = 20;
$img_config['wm_y_transp'] = 10;
$img_config['wm_opacity'] = 50;
$img_config['wm_vrt_alignment'] = 'bottom';
$img_config['wm_hor_alignment'] = 'left';
$img_config['source_image'] = $upload_data['full_path'];
/* Colocar Nome */
$water['source_image'] = $upload_data['full_path'];
$water['wm_text'] = 'Marcio Vaz';
$water['wm_type'] = 'text';
$water['wm_font_path'] = './system/fonts/texb.ttf';
$water['wm_font_size'] = '12';
$water['wm_font_color'] = 'ffffff';
$water['wm_vrt_alignment'] = 'bottom';
$water['wm_hor_alignment'] = 'right';
$water['wm_padding'] = '20';