How to link with another page having the option to choose the value in the combobox?


My page has a div that makes link with another page, that other page has a combobox , where every value brings me a different table from the database.

JavaScript that links to the page:

        function nova(){

The code for div :

<div id="daily" align="center" class="botao red margem alignL"     onclick="nova();">
        Pagina_destino<br>Chart<br><img src="images/ic_pareto1.png">

And the code for combobox :

<select name="linha">
        <option value="ASM1" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM1" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 1</option>
        <option value="ASM2" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM2" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 2</option>
        <option value="ASM3" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM3" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 3</option>
        <option value="ASM4" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM4" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 4</option>
        <option value="ASM5" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM5" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 5</option>
        <option value="ASM6" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM6" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 6</option>
        <option value="ASM7" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM7" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 7</option>
        <option value="ASM8" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM8" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 8</option>
        <option value="ASM9" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM9" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 9</option>
        <option value="ASM10" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASM10" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly 10</option>
        <option value="ASMX" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASMX" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly X</option>
        <option value="ASMY" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASMY" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly Y</option>
        <option value="ASMZ" <%if request.form("linha") = "ASMZ" then response.write "selected"%>>Assembly Z</option>   

I would like to not only link to the page but also by href to run a value of combobox .

For example:

Page - index.php

On page index.php has a div , it calls a href on javascript which in turn redirects me to another page, default.asp . In this default.asp I have a combobox where each value has a different information, for example.

  • value1 = the information in line 1
  • value2 = the information on line2 and so on goes

How can I put or bring value of combobox into href=default.asp?vop=new plus the value of option ? Can you do this or only in% with% same?

I'm not very familiar with ajax , does anyone know a simple way to ajax ? What I need is to access a value of ajax from another page, not just redirect it to another page, but also can access combobox of value

asked by anonymous 21.06.2016 / 17:45

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