Different objects of type Model mapped from a single table


Is it possible to map different Model objects with ActiveRecord in a Ruby on Rails project from a single database table?

Assuming I have in the database a table named clients that will be populated by clients of the physical type and legal type (where the existence of the CPF or CNPJ attribute defines their type) / p>


How can ActiveRecord do this mapping? If it's not possible for it, are there any other ways to do this?

And in this same context, what do I do if I need the CPF and CNPJ attributes of the client class to be objects of type Model in the application, what can I do?

I have this doubt because I would like to implement the validations of the CPF and CPNJ fields in their respective classes, making my project more cohesive, but not creating more tables and relationships in the database.

asked by anonymous 16.07.2016 / 03:31

1 answer


ActiveRecord does support this type of inheritance . For this to work first we have to add an attribute type para the Pessoa template. Creating this table would look something like this:

rails g model Pessoa nome cpf cnpj type

Ceito this is enough to create the two classes that inherit from Pessoa

# app/models/pessoa_fisica.rb
class PessoaFisica < Pessoa


# app/models/pessoa_juridica.rb
class Juridica < Pessoa

All models now have access to the same table. If you use the Pessoa class, ActiveRecord will always return all rows in this table, but if you use PessoaFisica or PessoaJuridica it will only treat records with the specified type. It is worth both insertion and recovery.

Validation can then be placed on each model separately, I suggest you extract this validation to a custom validator , outside the template file.

In the country

 PessoaFisica.create(cpf: '111.222.333-44')
 => #<PessoaFisica id: 1, nome: nil, cpf: "111.222.333-44", cnpj: nil, type: "PessoaFisica", created_at: "2016-07-16 17:03:29", updated_at: "2016-07-16 17:03:29"> 

 PessoaJuridica.create(cnpj: '78.425.986/0036-15')
 => #<PessoaJuridica id: 2, nome: nil, cpf: nil, cnpj: "78.425.986/0036-15", type: "PessoaJuridica", created_at: "2016-07-16 17:04:13", updated_at: "2016-07-16 17:04:13"> 

 => #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<PessoaFisica id: 1, nome: nil, cpf: "111.222.333-44", cnpj: nil, type: "PessoaFisica", created_at: "2016-07-16 16:53:59", updated_at: "2016-07-16 16:53:59">, #<PessoaJuridica id: 2, nome: nil, cpf: nil, cnpj: "78.425.986/0036-15", type: "PessoaJuridica", created_at: "2016-07-16 17:04:13", updated_at: "2016-07-16 17:04:13">]> 

 => #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<PessoaFisica id: 1, nome: nil, cpf: "111.222.333-44", cnpj: nil, type: "PessoaFisica", created_at: "2016-07-16 16:53:59", updated_at: "2016-07-16 16:53:59">]> 

 => #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<PessoaJuridica id: 2, nome: nil, cpf: nil, cnpj: "78.425.986/0036-15", type: "PessoaJuridica", created_at: "2016-07-16 17:04:13", updated_at: "2016-07-16 17:04:13">]> 
16.07.2016 / 19:08