I have a shared google drive folder but it is not available on the search, therefore only accessible with the link. I wanted to create a form (preferably a google tool) available for a small group of friends where the user would enter with the login, password and if possible, a captcha code (or similar mechanism).
After submitting the form data, it would be checked if the user / password pair exists in a simple code (detailed later). If it exists, the user is directed to the google drive folder, if it does not return to the form with an error message.
The code would be simple, something like this (PHP example):
// supor que as variáveis $usuario e $senha tenham capturados do dados do form previamente
// a variável $acesso, se true, concede o acesso a rede, se falso faz retornar ao form
if ( $usuario == 'jose' && $senha = 'xxx' ) { $acesso=true; }
if ( $usuario == 'maria' && $senha = 'yyy' ) { $acesso=true; }
The preference for implementing this solution would be in this order: