Good Night
@Html.CheckBox("Agree", new { value = false, @class = "filled-in", @id = "filled-in-box" })
When I generate the CheckBox in AspNet, by the above command, it is generating me two Tags being one is Hidden, as I am using the materialize css, it is getting bugged, throwing the CheckBox left to -9999, removing the Hidden node layout is correct, is it possible that it does not generate this Tag Input Hidden?
<input class="filled-in" id="filled-in-box" name="Agree" value="False" type="checkbox">
<input name="Agree" value="false" type="hidden">
So far, the option I had was to create an extension method that removes the Hidden tag
public static MvcHtmlString RemoveHiddenTag(this MvcHtmlString pValue)
const string pattern = @"<input name=""[^""]+"" type=""hidden"" value=""false"" />";
string result = Regex.Replace(pValue.ToString(), pattern, "");
return MvcHtmlString.Create(result);