Errors posted on Android are not easily captured in XamarinForms


I'm developing in XamarinForms a project where I use several APIS files downloaded by NuGet, and I have not had any problems so far.

Until then I decided to use the ImageCircle plugin and create a new View in my project.

The Android application aborts, Visual Studio for debugging, and I simply have this message in the debug:

How do I resolve this and other errors in this way? How do I get more information? I need to be sure that I will not waste so much time figuring out a mistake that I do not have the information on.

I've already done build, clean and rebuild. I've already tried using the internal logcat. It closes as soon as apk aborts. I have already restarted the machine and updated the references.

asked by anonymous 06.10.2016 / 21:20

1 answer


Good afternoon, Joaquim,

Try to update Xamarin in your Visual Studio, because in version 4.3.1 if I am not mistaken they have corrected an error related to SIGSEGV.

Follow this material that can help you implement it. link

I hope I have helped.

11.11.2016 / 20:00