How to simulate a user logged into an application with Demoiselle 2.4.2?


I have a Demoiselle 2.4.2 application already running that needs to use SecurityContext to get the User currently logged in and make some decisions. The time now is to write the unit tests using JUnit 4 for this application (they were not made in the application genesis, but we want to do it now). At this point the problem arises that there is no logon process that precedes the execution of test cases.

By what technique can you simulate the logon process, so that when instances of SecurityContext are injected over the controllers of the application in test cases), will these respond to the user I need?

Update 1

To make the situation easier to understand, it follows the code of the class that implements the unit test:

public class CaixaOperacaoTests {

    static private Credentials credentials;

    private CaixaOperacaoBC caixaOperacao;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {

    public void shouldAbrirCaixaComUsuarioLogado() {
        // Arrange
        BigDecimal valorAbertura = new BigDecimal(10.50);

        // Act
        CaixaSessao sessao = caixaOperacao.abrirCaixa(valorAbertura, null);

        // Assert
        assertThat(sessao, notNullValue());
The problem occurs even before the unit test starts, while injecting caixaOperacao , because this instance depends on the existing credential in an auxiliary class that we call SecurityServices , which is injected into CaixaOperacaoBC .

Follow the SecurityServices code:

public class SecurityServices {
    SecurityContext securityContext;
    PessoaBC pessoaBC;

    public Long idPessoaFisicaDoUsuarioLogado(){
        Long idPessoa = (Long) securityContext.getUser().getAttribute(UsuarioSession.Fields.PESSOA_ID);
        return idPessoa;

    public Pessoa pessoaFisicaDoUsuarioLogado(){
        Long idPessoa = idPessoaFisicaDoUsuarioLogado();
        return pessoaBC.load(idPessoa);

    SecurityContext getContext() {
        return securityContext;

Note that in the idPessoaFisicaDoUsuarioLogado() method there is the use of securityContext , which has value. However, the getUser() method returns null from where all my problems come from.

Of course, the credential definition can not occur in the unit test class, it has to occur before, but where?

asked by anonymous 25.02.2016 / 16:13

1 answer


Demoiselle has a very effective authentication and authorization scheme. I would advise you to check the doc, as you use version 2.4.2, the link is as follows:

Desmoiselle - Security

Pay attention to the injection of the following class:

    private Credentials credentials; 

In it you can put the user logged in and access from anywhere in the system only with the injection of this class.

Here in the company we use the Demoiselle Authentication and Authorization strategy, but we have created our own section-scoped Credentials class.

But check the manual, there you will find everything, and any questions, please comment!

20.05.2016 / 13:54