JSF + DDD: Is it correct to use the domain entities within the managed bean?


1 - Is DDD correct to let domain objects be fed by JSF through EL?

   // classe da camada de dominio
   public class Cliente {
       private String nome;
       // getters e setters;

   // bean ligado diretamente ao objeto de dominio

I wonder why in ASP staff use the VM to feed user inputs and automapper to convert VM data to a domain object.

2 - If this is allowed, in case I use the CDI, should I inject these classes upstream into the managedBeans or should their instance come from within the domain layer (a service class, for example)?

// usando cdi para injetar
class Bean{

     Cliente cliente;


class Bean{

     Cliente cliente;

        cliente = servico.getInstanciaCliente();
asked by anonymous 04.11.2016 / 18:53

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